Eleven World Wide Contest - CQ11WW UBN Report Station 13OT1 Mario Email: mario.13ot001@gmsil.com Dear Contester, Thank you for entering the Eleven World Wide Contest and for sending in your LOG. We are costantly refining our log checking methods, so we are able to provide you with a complete error checking report. Please be aware that year after year we will try to be more accurate, objective and fair as possible. Your Your His His ERRORE TYPE p.TX p.RX CALL SIGN UTC p.TX p.RX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CallSign mismatch or not in log 4 6 1SA1287 2020-07-18 05:54:06 CallSign mismatch or not in log 5 18 1AT18 2020-07-18 05:55:16 Progressive number mismatch 7 4 1RPS/HQ 2020-07-18 05:57:57 22 7 CallSign mismatch or not in log 13 15 1SA1196 2020-07-18 06:04:08 CallSign mismatch or not in log 15 3 1RPS67 2020-07-18 06:05:41 Progressive number mismatch 18 5 1AT693 2020-07-18 06:15:15 5 14 CallSign mismatch or not in log 32 1 1AT504 2020-07-18 06:50:16 Progressive number mismatch 33 13 178AT/HQ 2020-07-18 06:50:47 13 53 CallSign mismatch or not in log 40 1 233GDX16 2020-07-18 07:06:37 Progressive number mismatch 41 14 327CR56 2020-07-18 07:07:45 30 116 CallSign mismatch or not in log 50 1 108EB177 2020-07-18 07:59:47 CallSign mismatch or not in log 51 38 56AT/EU173 2020-07-18 08:01:30 CallSign mismatch or not in log 55 5 1SA300 2020-07-18 08:55:39 CallSign mismatch or not in log 60 2 13OT28 2020-07-18 09:10:24 CallSign mismatch or not in log 62 2 13OT144 2020-07-18 09:13:41 CallSign mismatch or not in log 66 1 1RR313 2020-07-18 09:24:31 CallSign mismatch or not in log 67 2 13OT33 2020-07-18 09:27:13 CallSign mismatch or not in log 75 1 13OT169 2020-07-18 09:37:37 CallSign mismatch or not in log 76 26 1AT961 2020-07-18 09:38:33 CallSign mismatch or not in log 78 2 1PAT146 2020-07-18 09:40:40 CallSign mismatch or not in log 85 1 14AT64 2020-07-18 09:50:48 Progressive number mismatch 86 59 13AT/HQ 2020-07-18 09:53:25 59 87 CallSign mismatch or not in log 92 12 1AT239 2020-07-18 10:01:29 CallSign mismatch or not in log 99 1 108LR11 2020-07-18 10:18:49 CallSign mismatch or not in log 101 43 1SA200 2020-07-18 10:23:09 CallSign mismatch or not in log 106 1 14AT148 2020-07-18 10:29:29 CallSign mismatch or not in log 108 1 14KW91 2020-07-18 10:33:05 CallSign mismatch or not in log 109 1 26CT3296 2020-07-18 10:34:42 CallSign mismatch or not in log 110 1 26CT3611 2020-07-18 10:35:50 CallSign mismatch or not in log 112 1 16PAT911 2020-07-18 10:43:23 CallSign mismatch or not in log 114 1 163DR1966 2020-07-18 10:45:38 CallSign mismatch or not in log 119 1 26LR13 2020-07-18 10:53:23 CallSign mismatch or not in log 126 1 14AT176 2020-07-18 11:04:00 CallSign mismatch or not in log 130 1 26SW37 2020-07-18 11:08:44 CallSign mismatch or not in log 131 3 26BS109 2020-07-18 11:09:41 CallSign mismatch or not in log 132 1 16CDB1 2020-07-18 11:10:45 CallSign mismatch or not in log 133 1 26CT352 2020-07-18 11:11:18 CallSign mismatch or not in log 135 1 26SM32 2020-07-18 11:12:46 CallSign mismatch or not in log 137 3 19IR999 2020-07-18 11:15:04 CallSign mismatch or not in log 138 7 26MU876 2020-07-18 11:16:09 CallSign mismatch or not in log 139 4 26AT22 2020-07-18 11:18:42 CallSign mismatch or not in log 140 1 109HA/FF8 2020-07-18 11:23:19 CallSign mismatch or not in log 142 1 163OP54 2020-07-18 11:32:02 CallSign mismatch or not in log 146 1 54PAT104 2020-07-18 11:37:30 CallSign mismatch or not in log 148 1 19WD1 2020-07-18 11:39:30 CallSign mismatch or not in log 149 1 26LR178 2020-07-18 11:40:07 CallSign mismatch or not in log 152 1 14TV39 2020-07-18 11:45:25 CallSign mismatch or not in log 153 91 14RC369 2020-07-18 11:56:44 CallSign mismatch or not in log 157 1 108DW275 2020-07-18 12:03:46 CallSign mismatch or not in log 161 1 26DR1924 2020-07-18 12:07:30 CallSign mismatch or not in log 164 1 14RL2 2020-07-18 12:15:38 CallSign mismatch or not in log 165 1 1OD190 2020-07-18 12:20:25 CallSign mismatch or not in log 170 1 26CT1475 2020-07-18 12:46:12 CallSign mismatch or not in log 171 1 26Z1 2020-07-18 12:48:00 CallSign mismatch or not in log 172 1 19RF1054 2020-07-18 12:48:55 CallSign mismatch or not in log 173 1 26GC110 2020-07-18 12:53:05 CallSign mismatch or not in log 174 1 30OD104 2020-07-18 12:55:55 Progressive number mismatch 177 38 14AT168 2020-07-18 13:57:51 38 17 CallSign mismatch or not in log 178 1 30DRP1 2020-07-18 14:57:57 CallSign mismatch or not in log 179 12 14WFL1 2020-07-18 14:59:34 CallSign mismatch or not in log 180 1 26TF269 2020-07-18 15:12:40 CallSign mismatch or not in log 184 12 163SD195 2020-07-18 15:21:36 CallSign mismatch or not in log 186 1 29TK70 2020-07-18 15:24:45 CallSign mismatch or not in log 188 14 165AT166 2020-07-18 15:44:27 CallSign mismatch or not in log 191 1 1AT343 2020-07-18 15:51:09 CallSign mismatch or not in log 192 1 68OP115 2020-07-18 15:56:00 CallSign mismatch or not in log 193 1 26CT2080 2020-07-18 16:00:42 Progressive number mismatch 194 13 1SA102 2020-07-18 16:07:08 13 94 CallSign mismatch or not in log 197 3 26SY13 2020-07-18 16:21:07 CallSign mismatch or not in log 201 1 1KPI11 2020-07-18 16:47:42 CallSign mismatch or not in log 202 1 1AT434 2020-07-18 16:48:06 CallSign mismatch or not in log 205 4 14AT581 2020-07-18 16:55:17 CallSign mismatch or not in log 206 1 14AT365 2020-07-18 16:59:36 CallSign mismatch or not in log 211 1 108HH5 2020-07-18 17:38:00 CallSign mismatch or not in log 212 1 108AT102 2020-07-18 17:49:42 Progressive number mismatch 214 100 1AT583 2020-07-18 18:04:23 100 4 CallSign mismatch or not in log 215 1 1AVC5 2020-07-18 18:07:51 CallSign mismatch or not in log 216 1 26YZ125 2020-07-18 18:37:36 CallSign mismatch or not in log 217 1 26MU413 2020-07-18 18:38:31 CallSign mismatch or not in log 218 1 26CT1835 2020-07-18 18:42:57 CallSign mismatch or not in log 219 1 26SC1961 2020-07-18 18:45:02 CallSign mismatch or not in log 221 1 26PAT64 2020-07-18 18:47:16 CallSign mismatch or not in log 222 5 26OP640 2020-07-18 18:48:44 CallSign mismatch or not in log 223 7 26AT30 2020-07-18 18:50:07 CallSign mismatch or not in log 224 1 26TB8 2020-07-18 18:51:49 CallSign mismatch or not in log 225 1 26OT537 2020-07-18 18:54:00 CallSign mismatch or not in log 226 1 26CT571 2020-07-18 18:54:30 CallSign mismatch or not in log 227 1 26AB10 2020-07-18 18:56:25 CallSign mismatch or not in log 228 1 26DR622 2020-07-18 18:58:21 CallSign mismatch or not in log 230 1 26CT3294 2020-07-18 19:11:35 CallSign mismatch or not in log 231 17 26WR7 2020-07-18 19:23:13 CallSign mismatch or not in log 233 3 56SD167 2020-07-18 19:35:35 CallSign mismatch or not in log 234 1 56SD27 2020-07-18 19:38:38 CallSign mismatch or not in log 237 1 30OD105 2020-07-18 19:51:01 CallSign mismatch or not in log 240 1 56SD199 2020-07-18 20:17:25 CallSign mismatch or not in log 241 12 1AT953 2020-07-18 20:23:08 Progressive number mismatch 242 112 161AT/HQ 2020-07-19 06:16:27 106 242 CallSign mismatch or not in log 244 1 26SB2 2020-07-19 06:42:15 CallSign mismatch or not in log 245 1 26AT106 2020-07-19 06:44:10 CallSign mismatch or not in log 246 1 56PJ4 2020-07-19 06:54:10 CallSign mismatch or not in log 248 1 13LR206 2020-07-19 07:33:40 CallSign mismatch or not in log 250 1 26SD8431 2020-07-19 07:44:05 CallSign mismatch or not in log 251 1 165SS1 2020-07-19 07:53:51 CallSign mismatch or not in log 252 1 108JM212 2020-07-19 07:55:24 CallSign mismatch or not in log 253 1 163DR542 2020-07-19 08:32:59 CallSign mismatch or not in log 254 1 14GT50 2020-07-19 08:35:24 CallSign mismatch or not in log 255 216 26DR160 2020-07-19 08:52:57 CallSign mismatch or not in log 256 1 29CT31 2020-07-19 08:54:35 CallSign mismatch or not in log 257 1 26CT2459 2020-07-19 08:55:48 CallSign mismatch or not in log 259 6 26BB264 2020-07-19 08:58:19 CallSign mismatch or not in log 260 1 26CT3460 2020-07-19 09:01:07 Progressive number mismatch 261 1 26AT705 2020-07-19 09:07:36 59 261 CallSign mismatch or not in log 262 1 26CP5 2020-07-19 09:10:14 CallSign mismatch or not in log 264 16 1AT95 2020-07-19 09:21:34 CallSign mismatch or not in log 265 1 1OD220 2020-07-19 09:23:36 CallSign mismatch or not in log 266 14 1TS3 2020-07-19 09:25:19 CallSign mismatch or not in log 267 1 14FRS3393 2020-07-19 09:53:37 CallSign mismatch or not in log 268 1 14PAT556 2020-07-19 09:54:10 CallSign mismatch or not in log 269 1 26MB18 2020-07-19 09:55:30 Progressive number mismatch 270 27 1AT1064 2020-07-19 10:00:57 27 1000 CallSign mismatch or not in log 271 1 30IR177 2020-07-19 10:03:04 CallSign mismatch or not in log 272 1 163FB103 2020-07-19 10:18:35 CallSign mismatch or not in log 274 1 26DR374 2020-07-19 12:21:40 CallSign mismatch or not in log 275 1 26DD26 2020-07-19 12:22:22 Progressive number mismatch 276 27 26AT325 2020-07-19 12:26:35 27 226 CallSign mismatch or not in log 281 124 30SA13 2020-07-19 13:24:15 CallSign mismatch or not in log 283 1 14PAT476 2020-07-19 13:28:21 CallSign mismatch or not in log 284 1 14FDX4601 2020-07-19 13:31:00 CallSign mismatch or not in log 285 1 14ZY27 2020-07-19 13:31:57 CallSign mismatch or not in log 286 2 14KP468 2020-07-19 13:36:40 CallSign mismatch or not in log 287 1 13GI1 2020-07-19 13:47:04 CallSign mismatch or not in log 288 1 13OT978 2020-07-19 14:10:27 CallSign mismatch or not in log 289 1 14VC50 2020-07-19 14:13:14 CallSign mismatch or not in log 290 1 14IDF1 2020-07-19 14:14:08 CallSign mismatch or not in log 292 1 14CP430 2020-07-19 14:17:27 CallSign mismatch or not in log 293 1 14FRS3471 2020-07-19 14:56:35 CallSign mismatch or not in log 294 1 68SL101 2020-07-19 15:02:03 CallSign mismatch or not in log 295 1 36SA108 2020-07-19 15:15:38 CallSign mismatch or not in log 296 1 13SG128 2020-11-07 07:55:07 CallSign mismatch or not in log 297 7 47DX101 2020-11-07 08:23:54 CallSign mismatch or not in log 300 1 1TS78 2020-11-07 11:17:11 CallSign mismatch or not in log 305 1 1GIR376 2020-11-07 13:24:56 CallSign mismatch or not in log 307 1 79WO189 2020-11-08 08:50:28 CallSign mismatch or not in log 308 1 79RC161 2020-11-08 08:53:38 CallSign mismatch or not in log 309 1 43RC9 2020-11-08 09:05:33 CallSign mismatch or not in log 310 1 13CC200 2020-11-08 09:21:21 CallSign mismatch or not in log 311 1 91AC555 2020-11-08 09:54:54 CallSign mismatch or not in log 312 1 13IR42 2020-11-08 10:10:43 CallSign mismatch or not in log 315 1 327SD126 2020-11-08 11:03:41 Progressive number mismatch 316 235 1SA/HQ 2020-11-08 11:08:08 231 235 CallSign mismatch or not in log 317 1 14AY83 2020-11-08 12:55:35 CallSign mismatch or not in log 318 1 30RM174 2020-11-08 16:00:34 CallSign mismatch or not in log 320 1 32LR9 2020-11-08 17:10:45 CallSign mismatch or not in log 321 1 5AT106 2020-11-08 17:11:53 We hope you appreciate this report. If you have any comments or suggestions, please write to: info@cq11ww.org Please excuse us if, due to the international nature of this contest, this report is only available in English. We hope to see you again in the next Eleven World Wide Contest. The CQ11WW Committee